Lantern Load Integration


To ensure that your datapack loads after the origins-kombo datapack library, you would add your load function in the #load:post_load after copying the minecraft and load folders from the Lantern Load repository, like so:

    "values": [
  • <namespace> being the namespace folder you're using.
    (e.g: data/example --> example:*)

  • path/to/function being your load function.
    (e.g: data/example/functions/private/load.mcfunction --> example:private/load)


If you want your datapack to use the origins-kombo library as a hard-dependency, you can check for the score of the origins-kombo score holder in the load.status (or load, if you're using 1.16.x) objective, like so:

#   Check if the version of the currently-installed `origins-kombo` library is 2.2.0 or higher
execute if score origins-kombo load.status matches 220.. run <command>

#   Check if the version of the currently-installed `origins-kombo` library is NOT 2.2.0 or higher.
execute unless score origins-kombo load.status matches 220.. run <command>
  • <command> being the commands that you want to run.